Friday, August 31, 2007

then we continue

After discussion, we think that we should meet the previous target first, before step into "communicating" with other services. Not all, we revised them to a few that really matters. We already clear of what should be done by mid of October.
  • the TinyMce Editor and picture upload/hotlink
  • single post page (additional template)
  • social networking icons under every post
  • a better navigation and process (muswardi?)
  • help page
ohh... should be more than these...
then we work out the core... then we prepare for fetching applications..

Saturday, August 11, 2007

10years in facebook

I was chatting with Rizky, discussed what our next tasks. When he asked about what we're going to do with, I got excited. Then I remember that so many things we could do to make a powerful content aggregator as it basic concept of
He mentioned about things procrastinated and left behind. I said, they're all okay to go because those are basic on this application. But when he mentioned about enhancing the networking feature, I suddenly remember that it could be easier to do to utilize the existing social network application to spread the word about, that we don't have to maintain the social networking part. Facebook application then somehow pop-up in my head.
Yes, I think we should build a facebook application that let us promote to millions of facebook users, fetch their ideas to our database and then publish all (managed) in our portal. Still facebook members can show their ideas in their profile.
There are few readings before we start to do it:
once we done with this, we should get on with other like,, etc.
I guess we back on business again :)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

10yearsfromnow Return??

The now is up again... thanks to Cecep. The programmer, mr Rizky is on board again. I wonder what he is thinking about getting the site works for users, for everyone. Anyway, it's good to have them on board.

We use Plikhost service by ahmandonk.
old apache, php on cgi, reset chmod, generic cpanel. mysql 5 - php 5

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

server issue vs connection issue

javanic server , tempat ngendon ternyata akses untuk uploadnya susah... padahal kalau download relatif cepat... kemungkinan masalah adalah akses internet peng-upload yang bermasalah... tetapi setelah dicoba di beberapa tempat, hasilnya sama saja bahkan ada yang lebih parah...

so apabila proses upload-mengupload ini selalu menjadi masalah ada baiknya dipertimbangkan untuk pindah server atau ganti koneksi yang lebih bagus...

butuh comment berat dari pak rizky dan mas catur...

social networking of visionary people + collection of ideas

Mestinya... bedanya social networking di dengan social networking di tempat lain adalah, kalo di isinya orang-orang pengkhayal dan visioner... mungkin juga bisa berkumpul para peramal di situ...

Untuk membuat social networking terjadi dibutuhkan profile view yang lebih baik dari sekarang, juga proses edit serta proses pembangunan koneksi yang mudah... jadi tugas segera kita adalah:

  1. melengkapi field tambahan (properties) profil user berikut photo
  2. menyediakan fasilitas edit profil lengkap
  3. menyediakan fasilitas edit setting
  4. menyediakan link untuk make friend pada setiap profile view
  5. menyediakan page untuk manage friends

berkaitan dengan collection management:
pada profile page, sebaiknya juga disediakan summary dari my posts

untuk collection management:
  1. menyediakan fasilitas untuk manage my post
  2. menyediakan fasilitas untuk manage my collection
  3. menyediakan fasilitas untuk melihat posts dari friend

action yang bisa dilakukan untuk sebuah post
  1. collect (other's post)
  2. del from collection (other's post)
  3. bury (my post and other's post)
  4. revise (my post and other's post)

On bury act:
  • case of my post -->> I renew my thought or I think this won't happen forever
  • case of other's post -->> I think I have a better vision on this then I revise or I think this trash won't happen forever

On revise act, provides predefine label as reason to revise:
  1. My thought on this matter [revised post title]
  2. I have solution for this [revised post title]
  3. Related to this matter, still came the worse problem [revised post title]
  4. I agree but... [revised post title]

Revising post orang lain dapat dilakukan dengan post yang sudah ada atau membuat post baru... sebuah post bisa di-revise oleh banyak post, begitu juga sebuah post bisa me-revise banyak post.

ada ide lain, sodara-sodara?